Give to Give Hope



Give to Give Hope


Over 1 million couples are waiting to adopt.

Their number one obstacle? Adoption fees.

The foster care system is over-crowded at this point.  There are children continually being placed into the system with nowhere to go.  There are families who would like to adopt, but see the mountain of cost in front of them. 

Not only is the family coming to terms with opening their hearts and homes to a child, but they see the bills mounting and wonder "Is there any way to do this?"

What If we - those who are not led to adopt - helped shoulder the cost with the family? 

This is the heart behind Plead 4 the Privilege.  The endless possibilities when we work together, to give out of our abundance to help another.

Give Confidently to Our Non-Profit!

Plead 4 the Privilege is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. That means you can confidently donate to our adoption cause and receive a tax-deductible receipt.


Give Confidently to Our Non-Profit!

Plead 4 the Privilege is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. That means you can confidently donate to our adoption cause and receive a tax-deductible receipt.

Meet our Featured Families

See how we're helping the Brown and Dantz families.

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What does our name

Plead for the Privilege


That's a great question!

The name Plead 4 the Privilege comes from II Corinthians 8. Paul Is writing to praise the churches for not just giving, but giving above and beyond:

"They were incredibly happy, though desperately poor. The pressure triggered something totally unexpected: an outpouring of pure and generous gifts...they gave offerings of whatever they could - far more than they could afford! - pleading for the privilege of helping in the relief of other Christians."
(2 Corinthians 8:1-4, The Message)

What's the 


of our organization?

God wants us to take care of helpless people.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
James 1:27

If each of us provide a little bit, it will be such a blessing to the adopting family.  The adopting family has a great amount of paperwork that goes into an adoption.

Why should they also have to bear the financial burden mostly on their own?

What does our name

Plead for the Privilege


That's a great question!

The name Plead 4 the Privilege comes from II Corinthians 8. Paul Is writing to praise the churches for not just giving, but giving above and beyond:

"They were incredibly happy, though desperately poor. The pressure triggered something totally unexpected: an outpouring of pure and generous gifts...they gave offerings of whatever they could - far more than they could afford! - pleading for the privilege of helping in the relief of other Christians."
(2 Corinthians 8:1-4, The Message)

God wants us to take care of helpless people.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
James 1:27

If each of us provide a little bit, it will be such a blessing to the adopting family.  The adopting family has a great amount of paperwork that goes into an adoption.

Why should they also have to bear the financial burden mostly on their own?

What's the 


of our organization?

Here's how you can get involved:



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Engage your church in helping P4P in reaching our adoption goals.

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Give a one-time gift or monthly. No amount is too small.

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Thinking through




Reach out to your church leadership and explain your burden to see families have the ability to adopt. Explain the financial hardships associated with that. Help them to see that being pro-life is more than just not supporting abortion, we have to be proactive to help families get foster kids.


Find families in your church that are interested in adoption. Do this by talking to your circles of influences and gauge their interest, or who they may know that could be interested. Begin to pray that God would bring prospective families to mind.


Start with a small fund raising project for your church to get behind. This can be as simple as setting a $5000 goal through a puzzle or similar fundraisers. Help the church to see that when many contribute, it can make a big difference in a family’s life.

Thinking through




Reach out to your church leadership and explain your burden to see families have the ability to adopt. Explain the financial hardships associated with that. Help them to see that being pro-life is more than just not supporting abortion, we have to be proactive to help families get foster kids.


Find families in your church that are interested in adoption. Do this by talking to your circles of influences and gauge their interest, or who they may know that could be interested. Begin to pray that God would bring prospective families to mind.


Start with a small fund raising project for your church to get behind. This can be as simple as setting a $5000 goal through a puzzle or similar fundraisers. Help the the church to see that when many contribute, it can make a big difference in a family’s life.

Give to give hope.

Your monthly or one-time gift goes directly to helping a family in need.